Action Figure Customs Blog

This blog is dedicated to discussing the world of custom action figures. There are many talented people creating customs from toy lines such as Transformers, GI Joe, Marvel Legends, and Star Wars. I also interview various customizers and they shed light on their philosophy and showcase their talent. The blog is updated daily so check back often for updates.

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AFC Interviews Nightmare Customs

Posted by Mig on Sunday, December 30, 2007 @ 10:33 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
This week, AFC Interviews Nightmare, a customizer with a great sense of humor and can back it up with some kickass customs. Let's learn more about this talented fellow!

AFC: Tell the fans of your work a little about yourself

Nightmare: My name is Nightmare, no last or first-name, like Cher, but cooler and more ruggedly handsome...wait, I have fans? My address is if anyone wants to throw stuff at me or you can always post on's boards to get my attention. I write reviews on anything, make comics about anything, customize anything, and complain about everything for fun. I live in Hollywood, California, and it can sink into the ocean, man, 'cuz the ugliest place in the whole wide world. I'm 21 soon, but that doesn't mean anything. I don't know why I even brought it up. I grew-up poor, I still am, it's great sometimes. Punisher is my idol. Red Sonja is my Goddess. I have a twisted sense of humor. -When did you start making customs? Around the time I started reading Green Lantern comics in the 90's. I'd use markers to make everything black, white, and green. Ninja Turtles, Ken-dolls, sock-puppets, everything, none escaped my markers' fury.

AFC: How many customs do you work on at one time?

Nightmare: A hundred. No, really, there are tons of ideas floating around in my head all the time, it's hard to keep track of them. Even when I write them down, a few days later I look at what I wrote and don't know what the hell I'm saying. Enough fragmented ideas make a whole custom sooner or later though. I have maybe 6 or 7 customs in-progress right now, they're awesome.

AFC: What is the custom you are most proud of?

Nightmare: Well, I'm going to cheat because I'm most proud of a custom RING I made for a friend, not a figure. The following has nothing to do with figures so feel free to skip this answer, folks. It was silver and simple, there were like three little sharp-leafed flowers in the center and the petals were made of some blue stone, topaz? I don't remember because it was a while ago and I pretty much scavenged for the parts. The ring was pre-made but I had to make the little flowers and set the stones, which may or may not have been real, hah. I worked on it in Metal Shop class, and I realized half-way through the process that I didn't know her ring-size, and I obviously couldn't ask or she'd be suspicious, but I went-on anyway. The teacher was cool and he helped me a few times with melting-point temperatures and tips on soldering, few days later it was done, the ring looked good. Too good. I wanted it to look like I had made it myself but it looked like I had bought it somewhere! So I used a few smelly liquids to try and age the silver, scuff it up a little but ended up deforming it instead, the stones cracked too. That sucked. So I went out and tried to find a ring that matched the one I had made, I found one that was close enough (and cheap enough, lol) and gave her that during lunch in the library. She didn't know what to say, I wasn't expecting anything anyway, so we kept talking and lunch was over. I never saw her again. It was the last day of 10th grade, when I got back after vacation she wasn't at that school anymore. Probably moved somewhere, she was cool. She is missed. I buried the ring in a cave in the nearby park, maybe someone will find it again, good luck to them. Figure-wise, I like my Punisher with the brown gloves and boots. I wouldn't change a thing.

AFC: What is your favorite toy line to do customs for?

Nightmare: Anything articulated is fine with me because I like using them in my comics, but I'm running low on cash so I'll have to start customizing some of my older static figures like McFarlane's military stuff pretty soon. Great chance to make some G.I. Joes, never tried making one before.

AFC: What customs do you have lined up for your next ones?

Nightmare: Ack! Samus Aran, Black Widow, Red Sonja, Buick, Spider-Carnage, Warhawk, Ninja Turtles, on and on. I was talking to Mike of Apathy Ink recently and he suggested I make my own re-invented line of Avengers. I didn't realize how much black I use on my customs, he suggested I use that "dark" style on Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, and Thor, make 'em evil. I would if I had the money to buy the figures needed...

AFC: If you had one piece of advice for other customizers out there, what would you say to them?

Nightmare: Rebel on. When someone tells you Wolverine has to wear brown, make yours purple. When you see everyone painting Transformers to look shiny and new, throw yours out the window, fart on it, and sell it for $100 bucks. When Kyle Robinson and Captain Coder tell you to stop posting libelous spam, kick dirt at their feet and spam away because we all know that spam is delicious. Don't imitate anyone's style, learn from it and make it better. Be rugged, be strong, be awesome, be more like that guy from the "Dos X" Mexican-beer commercials. And don't take crap from jerks that complain about everything. Next one you see, pop 'em on the nose and tell them Nightmare sent you.

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Custom Marvel Legends Doomsday DC Figure by mairagirl05

Posted by Mig on Saturday, December 29, 2007 @ 9:05 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
Straight out of the pages of DC comics, mairagirl05 has created a superior version of Doomsday in Marvel Legends style. This version of Doomsday was inspired by the Death of Superman comic (Superman #75, 1993). What I like about it this custom is how mairagirl05 took a mediocre produced figure and transformed it into something that fans love. Using sculpting techniques with clay and plastic, this Doomsday figure comes alive. The colors on this custom really compliment the figure nicely and add to the gritty feeling that Doomsday exudes. The face just screams badness and I really like the way the right eye was done and and the teeth. If you look at the original Doomsday figure (see below), it looks like he has a goofy grin on his face. By resculpting the face, the figure takes on a menacing look. Here is what the original Doomsday figure looked like before mairagirl05 got a hold of it:

As you can see, the difference is night and day and the cool thing is that you can own this very figure by going to eBay and bidding on this Custom Marvel Legends Doomsday figure!

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Custom Marvel Legends War Machine by DW40 Customs

Posted by Mig on Friday, December 28, 2007 @ 10:41 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
When diplomacy fails and international law breaks down, James Rhodes - head of the human rights group, WorldWatch - dons his solar-charged steel mesh battle armor to become the world's number one weapon in the struggle against injustice and oppression!

Straight from the pages of Marvel Comics (ok, 25 issues of the comic), DW40 Customs brings us his Custom Marvel Legends War Machine. Staying true to the comics, the paints aps are in a nice silver and gun metal grey. One cool feature of this custom are the rockets and the fire blast coming out of the gun. Sculpting takes talent and I really like the effect of the rockets bursting from the launcher with a plume of white smoke followed by red and orange burns.

DW40 Customs War Machine is available on eBay so head over there and place your bid now for this awesome Marvel Legends Custom.

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Custom Transformers Unicron Charity Auction by rhstuff4sale

Posted by Mig on Thursday, December 27, 2007 @ 9:22 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
I could not pass this "Custom" Transformers Unicron figure up! Trying to capitalize on the success of other Custom Unicron figures of the past, he has a very different twist on the custom figure. This listing was so great that I will let rhstuff4sale tell you what was going on in his very charitable head:

"A couple of months ago, I saw a custom Unicron action figure go for several hundred dollars on eBay. Since it's the holiday season, I figured why not try and catch lightning in a bottle again by doing the same thing for a good cause?

The figure pictured is a Transformers Armada Unicron toy, which has undergone a special two-step customization process involving my car (patent pending). I guess you could say he looks somewhat like he did at the end of Transformers: The Movie.
100% of the proceeds of this auction will go to the American Red Cross via eBay's MissionFish service. Even if you bid and don't win this auction, I urge everyone reading this to consider giving to any charitable organizations, not just during the holiday season, but year round. Give money, give clothing, give food, give blood, give your time, just contribute something in the spirit of making the world a little better, and doing a good thing just for the sake of doing it."

You can't get any better than humor and a good cause! Go bid on this great "custom" Transformers Unicron for a good cause on eBay!

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Thundercracker G1 Transformers Custom Masterpiece Seeker Jet Back Up for Auction by noise_maze

Posted by Mig on @ 8:49 AM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
If you missed this the first time around, noise_maze has put his Transformers Masterpiece Thudercracker up for auction! Head over to eBay and place a bid for your chance to own this great piece!

You can also read my original write up here!

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Custom Star Wars MK IV Heavy Tank AT-HT by stenhunter

Posted by Mig on Wednesday, December 26, 2007 @ 10:46 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe

stenhunter brings us this amazing Custom Star Wars MK IV Heavy Tank (AT-HT) and special Clone Tank Commander "Hel'am" to drive this behemoth. Coming up with his own Star Wars Custom vehicle, stenhunter takes you into his Star Wars Universe. I do not come across many fan made creations that are made well and run with a totally new concept. This vehicle and figure was a real treat to come across as this custom was very well thought out and executed. One thing that is missing in the Star Wars universe are terrain vehicles and tanks. It is interesting that this tank was made without treads but as stenhunter points out, not many Star Wars vehicles have treads so he is staying true to the design specs. I think it was a great idea to ditch the treads and make this custom blend more with the Star Wars vehicles in the movies and the toys. The paint aps are done really well and it looks like stenhunter takes great care when designing and creating his customs, a quality that you look for when buying them. It is customs like these that take toy design to the next level. Speaking of design specs, here is a rundown of what stenhunter's Heavy Tank offers:

MK IV Heavy Speeder Tank (AT-HT)
Specifications: Combat Assault Tank
Manufacturer: Rothana Heavy Engineering
Top Speed: 75 kph
Twin Radiant 4000RL Repulser lift engines
Weight: 44 short tons·
15mm Anti-blast reactive composite armor
Dual high energy deflector shields
Crew: Four

Main Armament:
120mm smoothbore laser cannon
Secondary Armament:· Anti-Air Concussion Missile System (AACMS)
40mm Anti-vehicle blaster
Twin 20mm forward firing laser cannon
12.7mm Anti-personal blaster
15mm side mounted laser cannon

The MK IV is one of the main battle tanks of the Grand Army of the Republic. In service since the initial deployment of the Grand Army on Geonosis. The AT-HT was designed to be extremely maneuverable, moderately armored and heavily armed. During the Battle of Geonosis the tank saw heavy combat and distinguished itself as a versatile weapons platform.

stenhunter also provides us with some insight on how he created this awesome Star Wars vehicle:

"So my AT-HT started out as a "Corps" tracked tank. I found it at Wal-Mart and was surprised to find out it was relatively inexpensive. As you can see the tank was your standard green plastic with really no extra detail outside of some venting and some minor rivets.
After adding dozens of tiny styrene squares and plating, and making some resin pours from an old imperial shuttle the tank slowly begins to transform into something cool. The final step was deciding on the "engines" I didn't want to use treads again because tracked vehicles are almost non-existent in the SW galaxy. So I found two used cans of AXE spray I had and embellished them some. I think the final pieces came out great. Finally working out a color scheme for the Trooper had me for a few days. What color, where would the color go, and how much was too much? I mocked up a few pictures and decided on the green. I think in the end it came out rather well."

This Custom Star Wars MK IV Heavy Tank, along with the Custom Tank Commander, is available on eBay so place a bid on this one of a kind Star Wars vehicle that you will never see mass produced (unless George Lucas reads this blog and takes the idea!).

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Custom Transformers Warpath Generation 1 Classic by chris-morada

Posted by Mig on Tuesday, December 25, 2007 @ 8:02 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe

chris-morada puts his mad skills and creativity to work and brings us his version of Warpath, the 1985 Generation 1 minibot. This is another great example of the Transformers Movie toys be repurposed into Generation 1 Classics. His Custom Transformers Warpath pays a great tribute to the little ole' tank that came on the scene in 1985 and was a nice addition to the minibot line. The colors that chris-morada chose for this custom really compliments the likeness of Warpath, and he has taken it to the next level with a custom head sculpt, which resembles the Warpath from yesteryear. One of the things that sets customizers apart from each other is the ability to sculpt the parts they need to get the job done. Without the custom head, this Warpath would have turned out very different.
chris tells us how he made this timeless classic, "So exactly how did I make him or which Transformers toy did I use to make this radical custom figure? To answer these questions, I basically mix and matched parts from both Deluxe Wrekage (Head, Hands) and Deluxe Brawl and I ended up with this radical figure. Did I mention, his head was made from scratch! Indeed I sculptured his head, I used Wreckage's head for the base and then applied Apoxie sculpt (professional sculpture clay), from there I pretty much sculptured his head to look like Warpath. As for paint, I use the usual durable paint, Testors Acrylics, the best paint out there or one of the best paints out there, but this one is my #1 choice. Anyways, this action figure can be posed and handled, just don't hand this action figure investment to a child or pet or else..."

This awesome Transformers figure is available on eBay so bid on this Custom Generation 1 Warpath figure and own great piece of G1 history.

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Merry Christmas from Action Figure Customs

Posted by Mig on Monday, December 24, 2007 @ 9:53 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
Everyone here at ActionFigureCustoms would like to wish all of you a happy and safe Merry Christmas! We hope Santa delivers everything you want and more!



Custom Transformers Hot Rod Generation 1 by deathwind000

Posted by Mig on Sunday, December 23, 2007 @ 11:42 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
"My actions speak louder than my words."

deathwind000 takes the run of the mill Bumblebee 2008 Camaro and turns it into a Generation 1 Classic with this Custom Hot Rod. This is another great example of a talented customizer taking a great base and doing something extraordinary with it. In robot mode, I like the way deathwind000 did the metal paint aps on the arms and legs, giving them a weathered look and a feeling that Hot Rod has seen some action. He chose a great shade of red and the flames pay a nice homage to this G1 classic. An awesome license plate decal which says "Hot Stuff" rounds off the figure as well as the great head choice. This Custom Hot Rod ranks as one of the best G1 customs made out of a Transformers Movie Bumblebee. I know it is the holidays but put deathwind000's Custom Hot Rod on your watch list on eBay and be sure to make this one your own!
More about Hot Rod
Hot Rod is the all-American-boy Autobot. Not too sweet, not too sharp, not too snotty... not a goodie-goodie, but basically a typical adolescent who has dreams of doing great stuff and being as heroic and important as Optimus Prime and other famous and revered top Autobots. He tends to follow rules until they bug him - and he sometimes learns, to his regret, that disobeying wasn't exactly smart. And he often acts without thinking in an effort to do the right thing - and this gets him and sometimes his friends in trouble. But he's not afraid when trouble does arrive and is a brave and honorable fighter and friend. He is especially close to Kup, the grizzled old mentor of an Autobot, although he sometimes resents hearing "wisdom." And he likes Daniel, the Earth kid, a lot. (In a way, Hot Rod is big brother to Daniel - a role model - and Hot Rod knows it and takes the responsibility seriously.) In robot or automotive mode, Hot Rod is sometimes hot-headed, but always a well-meaning, admirable "lad" and popular with all who know him.

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AFC Interviews Michael Amore Customs

Posted by Mig on Saturday, December 22, 2007 @ 8:04 AM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
The talent of Michael Amore is highlighted in our fifth interview in the series. Michael's excellent sculpting ability and passion struck me at first when I first reviewed his figure so I thought it would be great for everyone to get to know this talented customizer. You can view Michael's work at his website as he as some awesome pieces there.

AFC: Tell the fans of your work a little about yourself

Michael Amore:
I was born in 1973 and grew up in a small New England town. As a child I loved comic books and action figures. I was into Star Wars, G.I. Joe, Transformers, MEGOs and any hero based action figures I could get my hands on. In 1984 I bought my 1st Spider-Man comic book and that was it for me. I began going to my local variety store every week looking for the the latest issues. Though I did not know it at the time, I was reading reprints of the original 1960’s classic tales. I loved the characters and the art and that is when I began really drawing/writing my own stories, and customizing my own figures. At first I would add armor to my Lego figures, holsters to my G.I. Joes, rip apart my Secret War's figures and make new characters...that kind of stuff. When I got older I got into all kinds of art and my influences included musicians and writers and all types of artists. After High School I attended art school for a few semesters but ran out of funds to finish so...after that I spent the next decade or so writing and publishing books of poetry, along with drinking, getting in trouble and breaking my own heart!

AFC: When did you start making customs?

Michael Amore: I finally got sober a few years ago and really began customizing in earnest. I've been at it almost two years now and have worked hard to hone my craft to the highest level! I feel that these characters helped me so much in my youth, and now as an adult, here they are again helping me overcome a pain in the ass my work is really important to me, these characters are really important to me and I really want to recreate them to the best of my ability...the way I would like to see them done!

AFC: How many customs do you work on at one time?

Michael Amore: I like to have 4 or 5 figures going at a time...this allows me to jump from one to another while I'm painting and drilling and sanding and grinding and sculpting...that way I don't over work any one figure. Right now due to a lot of special orders and some unfinished projects I have over a dozen that are in various stages production!

AFC: What is the custom you are most proud of?

Michael Amore: Hmmm...I really love my new Nighthawk at the moment.

AFC: What is your favorite toy line to do customs for?

Michael Amore: Marvel Legends of course!

AFC: What customs do we have to look forward to in the future?

Michael Amore: I have orders for: the Enchantress, the Molecule Man, Nightwing, Battle Armor Thor, Mocking Bird...and some personal projects that include repaints of: Angel (with new wings), two Doom figures, 5 Iron man figures, the Sentry...and an all new Black Panther and a super surprise version of the thing!

AFC: If you had one piece of advice for other customizers out there, what would you say to them?

Michael Amore: Do what you like, not what you think will sell.

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Custom Marvel Legends Cable X-Men by Mojo1 Customs

Posted by Mig on Friday, December 21, 2007 @ 8:37 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe

Before I start in on this Custom Marvel Legends Cable by Mojo1 Customs, this is AFC's 100th blog and we're still going strong. Straight from the pages of Marvel Comics comes Mojo1 Custom's version of Cable in Marvel Legends Style. The left eye of Cable is cool as it looks like he is going to use this abilities to force people to bid on Mojo1's auction! Seriously, this custom is very well made and the paint aps compliment the figure nicely and stay true to the comic version of Cable. The hair looks natural and the facial features seem real.

I was forutunate enough to correspond with Mojo1 Customs and he shed some light on how he made this great piece: "Well, the recipe goes as such...Legendary Heroes Savage Dragon upper torso and head, the lower torso and legs from a TNA Kip James figure. I sculpted the extras on his bio-organic arm, facial scars and hair. Slpped it all together and paint."

This awesome piece is available on eBay so head over there and bid on this great Custom Marvel Legends X-Men Cable.

More about Cable
Cable is a mutant who possesses incredibly powerful telepathy and telekinetic abilities. These abilities have been limited by his need to restrain his techno-organic infection. As his powers grew, he was able to use his powers to perform greater and greater feats, without fear of losing control over his T-O virus. His telepathy increased to where he could read minds, broadcast his thoughts to either communicate with others or control minds, and fire mind-shattering psychic blasts. Without the effects of the virus, his telepathic and telekinetic powers are comparable in strength to those of X-Man, but enhanced by Cable's greater levels of experience, intelligence, and his Askani training.

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Custom Masterpiece Thundercracker Transformers Generation 1 Style by noise_maze

Posted by Mig on Thursday, December 20, 2007 @ 8:45 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe

noise_maze has possibly made the most accurate Masterpiece Custom I have seen so far with his Custom Masterpiece Thundercracker. When I first saw this on eBay, I thought that Takara had made this figure but I read on and discovered that noise_maze had found the exact paint color to match the G1 Thundercracker deco. Made from the Walmart exclusive Masterpiece Starscream, you could not get a closer match if you tried and noise_maze's paint aps are flawless and applied with precision. The sheen on the figure makes the figure look metallic. The sticker aps are true to the Generation 1 Thundercracker and if you did not know you were looking at a Masterpiece figure, you would think this was the original Thundercracker from 1984. I like the additions of silver on the engines and on the missile tips, a welcome upgrade from the standard paint job. This is a must have for any Masterpiece collector as this will probably the only accurate Thundercracker made, even beating out what Takara could produce.

noise_maze's Custom Masterpiece Thundercracker is up for a fixed price on eBay and I would not pass this one up.

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Custom Marvel Legends Iceman X-Men by diddy310 customs

Posted by Mig on Wednesday, December 19, 2007 @ 9:29 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
diddy310 customs caught our eye with his Custom Marvel Legends Iceman. The aspects that stand out about this custom is the detailed sculpting that he did. There are differences between a straight up repaint and customizers who take the time (and skill) to create a truly unique custom that is their own and diddy310 has taken this Iceman to the next level. The hair on this figure is perfectly sculpted and proportional to the head. The building up of the chest is a welcome addition as it ads much needed depth to the figure. Styling the figure after Humberto Ramos/Chris Bachalo, he has really captured their artistic nature. I was lucky enough to correspond with diddy310 customs and he shed some light on how he made this awesome figure:

"The base figures are a HML2 Xorn for the main body with the head and shins down from Quicksilver. I used an X-acto knife to trim off Xorn's chains and Quicksilvers hair, then resculpted the chest and added the iced up liberty spikes. From there it was a simple matter of repainting him head to toe, first using flat black on the pants and jacket, then Games Workshop Shadow Grey on the face, torso and hands. Then various layers of drybrushing with GW Skull White and Space Wolves Grey to make him look iced up, definitely like it more than the transparent plastic look Toybiz liked to use for him. I Think i captured the look of the Humberto Ramos/Chris Bachalo art in a more realistic style to make him work with the rest of the released MLs."

This Custom Marvel Legends X-Men Iceman is available on eBay so head over there to bid on this great figure!

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Custom Marvel Legends X-Men Jean Grey by wanderer-x

Posted by Mig on @ 2:21 AM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
wanderer-x brings us his Custom Marvel Legends Jean Grey in her classic Jim Lee uniform. One of the aspects that stands out for this custom is attention to detail with the hair and the face. The hair is beautifully sculpted and looks natural. It is also styled and flows nicely down her back. The eyes are striking and have a nice gaze to them. The facial features are beautifully proportioned and the paint aps on the costume are nicely done. This is one of the best Jean Grey customs I have seen in a while and should be a welcome addition to anyone's Marvel Legends collection.

Auction Details - from wanderer-x
My custom of often possibly one of the most powerful heroes in the Marvel universe and one of founding members of the X-Men. Jean Grey in styled her now classic Jim Lee uniform. She is made with the finest paint and materials.This figure has been painstakingly sculpted and painted to reflect the essence of the possessor of the Phoenix Force. This custom will fit in flawlessly with you other Marvel Legends figures. Jean retains all of her articulation.He is very durable and can be played with.Caution: Extensive posing may cause paint wear. Extensive play may damage some added parts. Highly recommended as collector's piece than a child's plaything. Jean comes compete with "fly" stand.

More about Jean Grey

Jean Grey-Summers is a mutant born with vast telepathic and telekinetic powers. Her powers were activated when she saw her friend getting hit by a car. She is a caring, nurturing figure, but she also must deal with being an Omega-level mutant and the physical manifestation of the cosmic Phoenix Force. She faces death several times in the history of the series, first in the classic "Dark Phoenix Saga," but due to her connection with the Phoenix Force, she, as her namesake implies, rises from death.

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Ronin Marvel Legends Custom by Horton's Heroes

Posted by Mig on Tuesday, December 18, 2007 @ 4:11 AM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
Horton's Heroes brings us this Custom Marvel Legends Ronin, a figure that takes on different identities. The name "Ronin" refers to the Japanese term for a masterless samurai, a lone warrior. Maya Lopez was the first person to don the Ronin identity. A deaf woman with photographic reflexes, Maya became Ronin to investigate the Silver Samurai in Japan. Clint Barton is the second person to don the Ronin identity, becoming Ronin when he rejoined the New Avengers in the aftermath of Civil War.

What is truly unique about this custom are the interchangeable heads. It is like you are getting 3 figures in 1 with this great figure. The paint aps are superb and the gold seems to flow, as if the figure were wearing a soft good, a testament to the fine detailing, patience, and skill of the customizer. Horton's Heroes has really captured the essence of Ronin and stayed true to the comic book resemblance. I would rank this Custom Marvel Legends Ronin as one of the best I have seen to date. To shed some light about this figure, Horton's Heroes explains:

"Ronin can be all 3 characters, regular ronin head, Maya Lopez, or Clint Barton aka Hawkeye. All 3 heads are magnetic so you can use any of the looks you want for Ronin. The sculpting on this custom almost fried my brain, it was very, very, challenging! His heads are custom sculpted, arm armor, shoulder pads, chest, leg armor, skirt, and he was painted using both airbrush and a lot of hand detailing to give him just the right glimmer. He is still very poseable as well. Oh... yeah his numchucks are custom made as well with real chain."

This awesome Custom Marvel Legends Ronin is available on eBay so place your bid quick or view the rest of the photos from this great piece.

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Warpath Generation 1 Transformers Custom by Jin Saotome

Posted by Mig on @ 3:20 AM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
"A good shot is worth more than a good intention."

Life was much simpler back in the 80's. There were very few toy lines to keep kids happy, which included the smash hit Transformers. The toys were also much simpler to transform back then. Warpath, for example, simply needed a pull of the torso and a lift of some arms and a a head and and you were done! There something magical and nostalgic about the first minibots and Jin Saotome has captured that nostalgia with this Custom Transformers Warpath minibot. As far as capturing the essence of what a G1 Transformer is, this could be possibly be one of Jin's best customs to date. Here is how he created this one:

"The main body was the Classics Megatron 2-Pack Ultimate Battle Megatron but his arms are Movie Dreadwing's legs! If you open Dreadwing's waist and widen the holes on the legs they fit right inside Meg's shoulders. The legs were trimmed down so they folded forward and I whipped up some wrists/hands for him. Warpath's head is a modded Movie Long Arm's head. I crafted the front cannon out of the old Megatron's cannon arm and part of Cybertron Longrack's crane hydraulics. We use every part of the buffalo here, hah! The paint job is two tones of red and has tons of panel lines and shading. There's a little hatch-camera-eye on the top you can move around and he comes complete with a rubsign on the front of the vehicle just like the G1 version. There's rare earth magnets (one under the rubsign) that hold the cannon and camera-hatch on. I hope I paid the little guy homage with this figure, enjoy!"

Jin definately paid homage with this figure and you can have a chance to own this peice of Transformers Generation 1 history with this Custom G1 Warpath figure.

More about Warpath
Warpath thinks he's a lot more impressive than his comrades do. Certainly, no one would argue with his sharp-shooting ability. It just seems at times he's more concerned with showing off than the welfare of the Autobots as a whole. But his boisterous, loud-mouthed personality makes him welcome company and his raucous sense of humor can bring cheer to the gloomiest situations. Only one thing seems to upset him: any small nick or scratch to his gun barrel. He's both very proud and very vain about his weapon. His comrades fear that if his gun ever suffered anything as big as a dent, Warpath might be too depressed to speak for a month!

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Nemesis Enforcer Marvel Legends GI Joe Custom and Cobra La Team by Nuffsaid Customs

Posted by Mig on Monday, December 17, 2007 @ 11:14 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
Nuffsaid Customs brings us this gritty, straight out of the depths and massive cavern beneath the Himalayas, Custom Marvel Legends Nemesis Enforcer figure from the GI Joe line. Modeling the figure from the 1980's mold, Nuffsaid has taken the lack luster original concept and taken it to new heights. As Nuffsaid told me, the base figure is made from an AOA Marvel Legends Sabretooth and he resculpted the head, chest, and legs. The wings, which are the coolest part of the figure, are from a Mcfarlane Dragon figure. The Cobra La is definitely a force to be reckon with if they looked like this.

The paint aps look raw but that is the look, in my opinion, that Nuffsaid was going for. As the auction states, the figure is sealed so it will retain this gritty look. The wings look like they are a part of Nemesis Enforcer's body and spawning from his back. If you remember, the original NE had florescent green wings that did not compliment the figure. Granted it was the 1980's, the figure really fell short and disappointed fans. Good thing that Nuffsaid is here to right the wrong that was the Cobra La.

Nemesis Enforcer is available on eBay and he also is selling Custom Marvel Legends Golobulus and Pythona, a must have for any Cobra La or GI Joe fan. Here are some more pictures of Nemesis Enforcer and the others:

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Custom Transformers Movie Spotlight Seller: Jin Saotome

Posted by Mig on @ 2:45 AM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
Jin Saotome is one of the most talented Transformers Movie customizers and his pieces are well sought after and always grab top dollar. He is well known for his creativity, unique sculpts, and one of a kind paint aps. This week, Jin has many Transformers Movie customs up for sale so let's take a peak!
Custom Transformers Movie Ironhide
Auction Description: This auction is for an 8" tall custom Ironhide figure with twin arm cannons and four missiles. He has multiple points of articulation, far too many for me to count so I’m not even going to try. This means you can pose Ironhide in all sorts of awesome Decepticon-blasting poses and he'll look great in every one. He transforms just like the store-bought one and changing his form around won't affect the paint job at all. Instructions are included because let's face it, these suckers are like skill-puzzles!

You came here for an action figure right? Something you can play with that's not just a statue? Well that's exactly what you’re getting! This custom has been painted with an exceptional level of detail, and with paint that’s not going to rub or flake off. Handle it, pose it, just don't give it to your little brother to play outside with. You'll find that my custom figure designs are durable and look great as well. Now you can have the best of both worlds. By now you’ve probably seen the Transformers movie, right? You may of noticed the store-bought Ironhide, while an excellently sculpted figure, is pretty much all one color and is missing the wear and tear that the oldest Transformer should have. That's where I step in! Ironhide has been repainted to accurately portray his character on the big screen. Every individual panel, gear, hose, and robot section has been hand-painted. He’s been carefully and realistically detailed with different metallics, shading, highlights, and mechanical tones. All the details in his face have been repainted and you can really see the fine sculpting of this figure now.

Iron's head is now on a ball joint and can look around in all directions giving him some great poses! As mentioned before you can transform Ironhide without damaging the paint job and he will look great on your shelf next to the rest of your collection as an accurate portrayal of the movie character. Did you want a tough ol' hombre to play shoot-em-up with your Decepticons? Know someone who would get a kick out of a Topkick? Then don't pass this auction up!

Transformers Movie Bumblebee 2009 Camaro
Auction Description: This auction is for a 6" tall custom Bumblebee with removable weapon-arm, alternate arm panels, new detailed head, and battle-mask head! He has multiple points of articulation, far too many for me to count so I'm not even going to try. This means you can pose BB in all sorts of awesome Decepticon-battling poses and he'll look great in every one. He transforms just like the store-bought one and changing his form around won't affect the paint job at all. (You will need to remove the new head first however as it's wider than the normal one) He comes with instructions because these figures can be like skill-puzzles.

You came here for an action figure right? Something you can play with that's not just a statue? Well that's exactly what you’re getting! This custom has been painted with an exceptional level of detail, and with paint that's not going to rub or flake off. Handle it, pose it, just don’t give it to your little brother to play outside with. You’ll find that my custom figure designs are durable and look great as well. Now you can have the best of both worlds. It's Bumblebee! This time the bee sports a new look with a new movie-accurate head and removable arm-cannon. He's been repainted and detailed to look like the movie character with different effects such as shading, highlights, metallic paints, and weathering to his robot parts. Slip his right arm off at the shoulder and you can replace it with the cannon-arm, also jointed at the elbow for maximum poseability.

Need to go into battle with the Bee? Pop on his battle-mask head! It's hand sculpted and painted with great detail to resemble the one in the movie complete with little eye grates. You also get your choice of alternate arm panels in case you didn't want the clunky doors hanging off there. Bumblebee transforms like the store-bought toy but it’s best to remove his new head so you don't get it banged up underneath the vehicle, it's a bit wider than the old one. So, were you looking for a super-detailed Bumblebee with a face anyone can love? Know a friend that needs a hand? A cannon-hand? Heheh.. Then don't pass this auction up!

Transformers Movie Final Battle Jazz

Auction Description: This auction is for an 6" tall Custom 'Final Battle' Jazz with crescent rifle, robot-guts, and rip-in-half action! He has multiple points of articulation meaning you can pose him in all sorts of awesome "I got 20 seconds of fight time before I was torn in two" poses and he'll look great in every one. Transforming Jazz won't affect the paint job...and even if it did you'd just have more battle-damage, Ha! *Ahem* He converts from robot to car mode easily. Instructions are included, you just need to snap his waist together when you're ready for robot mode.

You came here for an action figure right? Something you can play with that's not just a statue? Well that's exactly what you’re getting! This custom has been painted with an exceptional level of detail, and with paint that's not going to rub or flake off. Handle it, pose it, just don't give it to your little brother to play outside with. You'll find that my custom figure designs are durable and look great as well. Now you can have the best of both worlds. Poor Jazz, he got all beat up in the movie. I'd post a big 'spoiler' message here but if you haven't seen the movie yet you’re probably not looking at this auction. Jazz gets ripped in half by Megatron in his gloriously short amount of fight time and looked pretty roughed up. Now you can have the figure that pops apart too, complete with hanging robo-guts and blue-blood detailing for all you morbid types. I've seriously nicked, scratched, dented, and dinged Jazz here for some pretty believable battle damage.

He’s been painted with various metallic shades, grime, weathering, scuffs, shadows, and highlights. You’ll notice his car-mode is damaged, check out the detailed crack-patterns on the windows! Missing lights, cracked headlights, gouges from Megatron’s claws, it’s all there. He comes with his screen-accurate Crescent-cannon that’s painted just as detailed as he is and fires a cool energy bolt. So, wishing you had a Jazz that was equally banged up in both modes? Know a friend who would weep like a baby if you showed them this? Then don’t pass this auction up!

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Custom WCW TNA Sting Classics Figure by realjxc

Posted by Mig on Sunday, December 16, 2007 @ 6:51 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
realjxc brings this wrestling icon to life with his Custom WCW Sting wrestling figure. The paint aps on the face do this figure justice as it bears a strong resemblance to Sting. This figure also comes with some cool accessories, such as a bat, leather jacket, and championship belt. Check out more about this great auction on eBay and place a bid for this great Custom WCW Sting figure.

I had the unique opportunity to correspond with realjxc and he shed some light on how he created his Custom Sting:

"First I used Charlie Hass's head from Ruthless Aggresion series, and Chris Jericho's hair. Then I used the Undertaker's body and any other ruthless aggression figure's arm as long as they don't have tatoo on it. At last, I used Rey Mysterio' gloves. After you have all those parts you are ready to paint. I used TAMIYA COLOR to do the painting job, after I finish the paint I spray a layer of Glosscote so the paint will stay forever and it looks better too."

More about Sting
Steve Borden, better known by his ring name Sting, is an American professional wrestler. He is one of the most successful and popular professional wrestlers to have never performed under contract for WWE, and is considered to be one of the best professional wrestlers of all time. Sting had a tenure in the WCW from 1989 to 2001.

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Lion-O Custom Marvel Legends Thundercats by boskoestoys

Posted by Mig on @ 2:34 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
Thundercats was one of my favorite cartoons and toy lines to collect when I was a kid. I have fond memories of fashioning fortresses and various types of devices out of Lego's to enhance my Thundercats playing experience. boskoestoys has created one of the legendary Thundercats, Lion-O, in Marvel Legends style.

A couple of high points for this custom include the overall enhancement of the 1980's figure by using the Marvel Legends figure as the base. I took a look at the cartoon rendering of Lion-O and this figure matches more closely the physique from the drawings this figure is a great likeness of Lion-O. The logo design on the belt is an excellently drawn and styled, paying a nice homage to the classic. Finally, the sword design goes above and beyond and truly enhances the look of the figure. Since Lion-O's sword was an integral part of the cartoon, boskoestoys has built the Excalibur of Thundercats swords, perfectly fitting for Lion-O.

Your chance to own this great figure is just a click away at eBay so go hurry and bid on this Custom Marvel Legends Lion-O figure!

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Custom Star Wars 3 3/4" Spotlight Seller: defiantyogi

Posted by Mig on Saturday, December 15, 2007 @ 4:52 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
defiantyogi is one talented Star Wars 3 3/4" customizer and he has some really nice pieces up for sale this week and that is why he is our third in the Spotlight Seller series! One of the great aspects of his customs as that they are unique and he creates custom cards so if you are a MOC collector you really love these customs as you can display them next your Star Wars Saga collection. Let's take a peak at what defiantyogi has in store for you:

General Obi Wan Kenobi with Clone Armor

You are bidding on a Star Wars CLONE WARS CUSTOM General Obi-Wan Kenobi in Clone Armor. Figure comes carded in a custom made STAR WARS 2006 SAGA package with a Red Obi-Wan Kenobi Hologram. General Kenobi is seen fighting Durge and IG-88 Assassin Droids on Muunilinst in Cartoon Network's Star Wars Clone Wars Vol. 1. NOTE: Battle Droid in pictures is used as a PROP ONLY and is NOT FOR SALE.

Figure Specifications
HELMET: Evolutions Ep. 2 Clone Pilot REMOVABLE HELMET!!!
BODY: SAGA Clone Commander.
DETAILS: Head is from SAGA Super Articulated Obi-Wan Kenobi and can turn a full 360 degrees. Brown polyester tunic and cape hand sewn by my wife (nice job honey!)
WEAPONS: 1 lightsaber

Kashyyyk ARC Clone Trooper
You are bidding on a Star Wars CUSTOM Kashyyyk ARC Clone Trooper. Figure comes carded in a custom made STAR WARS 2006 SAGA package with a Red Darth Vader Hologram. This is a concept Clone Trooper and is based on the design and jungle camouflage color scheme of the 41st Elite Corps under the command of Commander Gree on Kashyyyk.

Figure Specifications
HELMET: Comic Pack ARC Trooper Alpha REMOVABLE HELMET!!!
BODY: Comic pack ARC Trooper Alpha painted in the jungle camoflage color scheme of Commander Gree
DETAILS: Battle gear includes shoulder pauldron with attached gauntlet
WEAPONS: 1 ARC Trooper Blaster Rifle

Clone Commander Keller
You are bidding on a Star Wars CUSTOM Clone Commander Keller. Figure comes carded in a custom made STAR WARS 2006 SAGA package with a Red Stormtrooper Hologram. Commander Keller is seen in Dark Horse Comics Star Wars Republic issue #79 and #80. Keller leads a squad of Clone Cold Assault Troopers on Planet Toola, tracking down fugitive Jedi.

Figure Specifications
BODY: TAC Airborne Trooper
DETAILS: Battle gear includes white soft goods hood, tunic and cape hand sewn by my wife(excellent job honey!), gun holster and sidearm repeater blaster pistol attached to right side of utility belt
WEAPONS: 1 DC-17 Blaster Rifle, 1 Repeater Blaster Pistol

ARC Pilot Clone Trooper
You are bidding on a Star Wars CLONE WARS CUSTOM ARC PILOT CLONE TROOPER. Figure comes carded in a custom made STAR WARS 2006 SAGA package with a Blue Darth Vader Hologram. ARC Pilot is seen in the opening minutes of Cartoon Network's Star Wars Clone Wars Vol. 2., flying the Muunilinst 10 on a daring rescue mission of Jedi survivors in the aftermath of the Battle of Hypori.

Figure Specifications
HELMET: Evolutions Ep. 2 Clone Pilot REMOVABLE HELMET!!! Target scope from Boba Fett attached to right side of helmet. Bat logo painted in the front top center of helmet denoting flight squad division.
BODY: Comic 2-Pack ARC Trooper Alpha.
DETAILS: Battle Gear includes tattered and torn kama(skirt) with ammo pockets.
WEAPONS: ARC Trooper Blaster Rifle

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Custom Star Wars Darth Talon Expanded Universe by stocos28

Posted by Mig on @ 12:07 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
Straight from the pages of Star Wars Expanded Universe comes stocos28's version of Darth Talon, a female Sith who you would not want to run into in a dark alley. The crimson skin of this custom is a nice shade and matches photo quite nicely! The tattoos look carefully placed and although they are not a direct translation, they look awesome and compliment the figure nicely. It is great when customizers deviate from what they see and make the figure their own so this is a welcome change. I like the Sith waist robe on the figure as it gives her a much classier look than a simple a bikini.

All in all, this
Custom Darth Talon is a great looking figure and should get some big bucks on eBay, where you can still find it and place a bid!

More about Darth Talon (Source:
Darth Talon was a Sith Lord in Darth Krayt's new Sith Order c. 137 ABY. A female Lethan Twi'lek, she had red and black Sith tattoos covering her body, head, and lekku, which she had earned in ritual combat. She was trained by a fellow Twi'lek Sith named Darth Ruyn, whom she later killed on Krayt's command with a swift decapitating strike of her lightsaber. Talon was a third-generation Sith, raised on the ancient Sith burial world of Korriban to serve as the second of Darth Krayt's two Hands, Darth Nihl being the other. Thus, she had no idea of what life was like outside the order and had no purpose to her existence other than to serve as the executor of Krayt's will. A test of her loyalty came early when Krayt ordered Talon to kill her instructor, Darth Ruyn, who had just presented her to Krayt for final evaluation. Talon responded without hesitation.

Darth Talon was cold and dispassionate, and followed the commands of Darth Krayt without question or hesitation, as shown when she decapitated Darth Ruyn. She was unmerciful like most Sith, keeping Elke Vetter alive only for the amount of time needed to extract the location of Marasiah Fel from the grievously wounded Imperial Knight. Darth Talon, like almost all Sith, was armed with a single crimson-bladed lightsaber. It was elongated and notched with crisscrossing grooves. The hilt was constructed of a material that physically did not appear to be metal, and instead resembled a sort of rock.

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