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AFC Interviews Nightmare Customs

Posted by Mig on Sunday, December 30, 2007 @ 10:33 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
This week, AFC Interviews Nightmare, a customizer with a great sense of humor and can back it up with some kickass customs. Let's learn more about this talented fellow!

AFC: Tell the fans of your work a little about yourself

Nightmare: My name is Nightmare, no last or first-name, like Cher, but cooler and more ruggedly handsome...wait, I have fans? My address is if anyone wants to throw stuff at me or you can always post on's boards to get my attention. I write reviews on anything, make comics about anything, customize anything, and complain about everything for fun. I live in Hollywood, California, and it can sink into the ocean, man, 'cuz the ugliest place in the whole wide world. I'm 21 soon, but that doesn't mean anything. I don't know why I even brought it up. I grew-up poor, I still am, it's great sometimes. Punisher is my idol. Red Sonja is my Goddess. I have a twisted sense of humor. -When did you start making customs? Around the time I started reading Green Lantern comics in the 90's. I'd use markers to make everything black, white, and green. Ninja Turtles, Ken-dolls, sock-puppets, everything, none escaped my markers' fury.

AFC: How many customs do you work on at one time?

Nightmare: A hundred. No, really, there are tons of ideas floating around in my head all the time, it's hard to keep track of them. Even when I write them down, a few days later I look at what I wrote and don't know what the hell I'm saying. Enough fragmented ideas make a whole custom sooner or later though. I have maybe 6 or 7 customs in-progress right now, they're awesome.

AFC: What is the custom you are most proud of?

Nightmare: Well, I'm going to cheat because I'm most proud of a custom RING I made for a friend, not a figure. The following has nothing to do with figures so feel free to skip this answer, folks. It was silver and simple, there were like three little sharp-leafed flowers in the center and the petals were made of some blue stone, topaz? I don't remember because it was a while ago and I pretty much scavenged for the parts. The ring was pre-made but I had to make the little flowers and set the stones, which may or may not have been real, hah. I worked on it in Metal Shop class, and I realized half-way through the process that I didn't know her ring-size, and I obviously couldn't ask or she'd be suspicious, but I went-on anyway. The teacher was cool and he helped me a few times with melting-point temperatures and tips on soldering, few days later it was done, the ring looked good. Too good. I wanted it to look like I had made it myself but it looked like I had bought it somewhere! So I used a few smelly liquids to try and age the silver, scuff it up a little but ended up deforming it instead, the stones cracked too. That sucked. So I went out and tried to find a ring that matched the one I had made, I found one that was close enough (and cheap enough, lol) and gave her that during lunch in the library. She didn't know what to say, I wasn't expecting anything anyway, so we kept talking and lunch was over. I never saw her again. It was the last day of 10th grade, when I got back after vacation she wasn't at that school anymore. Probably moved somewhere, she was cool. She is missed. I buried the ring in a cave in the nearby park, maybe someone will find it again, good luck to them. Figure-wise, I like my Punisher with the brown gloves and boots. I wouldn't change a thing.

AFC: What is your favorite toy line to do customs for?

Nightmare: Anything articulated is fine with me because I like using them in my comics, but I'm running low on cash so I'll have to start customizing some of my older static figures like McFarlane's military stuff pretty soon. Great chance to make some G.I. Joes, never tried making one before.

AFC: What customs do you have lined up for your next ones?

Nightmare: Ack! Samus Aran, Black Widow, Red Sonja, Buick, Spider-Carnage, Warhawk, Ninja Turtles, on and on. I was talking to Mike of Apathy Ink recently and he suggested I make my own re-invented line of Avengers. I didn't realize how much black I use on my customs, he suggested I use that "dark" style on Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, and Thor, make 'em evil. I would if I had the money to buy the figures needed...

AFC: If you had one piece of advice for other customizers out there, what would you say to them?

Nightmare: Rebel on. When someone tells you Wolverine has to wear brown, make yours purple. When you see everyone painting Transformers to look shiny and new, throw yours out the window, fart on it, and sell it for $100 bucks. When Kyle Robinson and Captain Coder tell you to stop posting libelous spam, kick dirt at their feet and spam away because we all know that spam is delicious. Don't imitate anyone's style, learn from it and make it better. Be rugged, be strong, be awesome, be more like that guy from the "Dos X" Mexican-beer commercials. And don't take crap from jerks that complain about everything. Next one you see, pop 'em on the nose and tell them Nightmare sent you.

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