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Custom Transformers Warpath Generation 1 Classic by chris-morada

Posted by Mig on Tuesday, December 25, 2007 @ 8:02 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe

chris-morada puts his mad skills and creativity to work and brings us his version of Warpath, the 1985 Generation 1 minibot. This is another great example of the Transformers Movie toys be repurposed into Generation 1 Classics. His Custom Transformers Warpath pays a great tribute to the little ole' tank that came on the scene in 1985 and was a nice addition to the minibot line. The colors that chris-morada chose for this custom really compliments the likeness of Warpath, and he has taken it to the next level with a custom head sculpt, which resembles the Warpath from yesteryear. One of the things that sets customizers apart from each other is the ability to sculpt the parts they need to get the job done. Without the custom head, this Warpath would have turned out very different.
chris tells us how he made this timeless classic, "So exactly how did I make him or which Transformers toy did I use to make this radical custom figure? To answer these questions, I basically mix and matched parts from both Deluxe Wrekage (Head, Hands) and Deluxe Brawl and I ended up with this radical figure. Did I mention, his head was made from scratch! Indeed I sculptured his head, I used Wreckage's head for the base and then applied Apoxie sculpt (professional sculpture clay), from there I pretty much sculptured his head to look like Warpath. As for paint, I use the usual durable paint, Testors Acrylics, the best paint out there or one of the best paints out there, but this one is my #1 choice. Anyways, this action figure can be posed and handled, just don't hand this action figure investment to a child or pet or else..."

This awesome Transformers figure is available on eBay so bid on this Custom Generation 1 Warpath figure and own great piece of G1 history.

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