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Custom Star Wars MK IV Heavy Tank AT-HT by stenhunter

Posted by Mig on Wednesday, December 26, 2007 @ 10:46 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe

stenhunter brings us this amazing Custom Star Wars MK IV Heavy Tank (AT-HT) and special Clone Tank Commander "Hel'am" to drive this behemoth. Coming up with his own Star Wars Custom vehicle, stenhunter takes you into his Star Wars Universe. I do not come across many fan made creations that are made well and run with a totally new concept. This vehicle and figure was a real treat to come across as this custom was very well thought out and executed. One thing that is missing in the Star Wars universe are terrain vehicles and tanks. It is interesting that this tank was made without treads but as stenhunter points out, not many Star Wars vehicles have treads so he is staying true to the design specs. I think it was a great idea to ditch the treads and make this custom blend more with the Star Wars vehicles in the movies and the toys. The paint aps are done really well and it looks like stenhunter takes great care when designing and creating his customs, a quality that you look for when buying them. It is customs like these that take toy design to the next level. Speaking of design specs, here is a rundown of what stenhunter's Heavy Tank offers:

MK IV Heavy Speeder Tank (AT-HT)
Specifications: Combat Assault Tank
Manufacturer: Rothana Heavy Engineering
Top Speed: 75 kph
Twin Radiant 4000RL Repulser lift engines
Weight: 44 short tons·
15mm Anti-blast reactive composite armor
Dual high energy deflector shields
Crew: Four

Main Armament:
120mm smoothbore laser cannon
Secondary Armament:· Anti-Air Concussion Missile System (AACMS)
40mm Anti-vehicle blaster
Twin 20mm forward firing laser cannon
12.7mm Anti-personal blaster
15mm side mounted laser cannon

The MK IV is one of the main battle tanks of the Grand Army of the Republic. In service since the initial deployment of the Grand Army on Geonosis. The AT-HT was designed to be extremely maneuverable, moderately armored and heavily armed. During the Battle of Geonosis the tank saw heavy combat and distinguished itself as a versatile weapons platform.

stenhunter also provides us with some insight on how he created this awesome Star Wars vehicle:

"So my AT-HT started out as a "Corps" tracked tank. I found it at Wal-Mart and was surprised to find out it was relatively inexpensive. As you can see the tank was your standard green plastic with really no extra detail outside of some venting and some minor rivets.
After adding dozens of tiny styrene squares and plating, and making some resin pours from an old imperial shuttle the tank slowly begins to transform into something cool. The final step was deciding on the "engines" I didn't want to use treads again because tracked vehicles are almost non-existent in the SW galaxy. So I found two used cans of AXE spray I had and embellished them some. I think the final pieces came out great. Finally working out a color scheme for the Trooper had me for a few days. What color, where would the color go, and how much was too much? I mocked up a few pictures and decided on the green. I think in the end it came out rather well."

This Custom Star Wars MK IV Heavy Tank, along with the Custom Tank Commander, is available on eBay so place a bid on this one of a kind Star Wars vehicle that you will never see mass produced (unless George Lucas reads this blog and takes the idea!).

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