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AFC Interviews Customizer Shinobitron

Posted by Mig on Thursday, April 10, 2008 @ 9:14 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
Shinobitron is one of the most talented Transformers customizers I have met thus far. He also makes customs for Marvel Legends, Video Games, and GI Joe but I am drawn his work with the Transformers. If you are looking for a one of a kind custom to proudly display on your shelf next to the originals, you need to check out his work! I have blogged about several of his customs, including Highbrow, Beachcomber, Rampage, and the latest, Dragstrip. Please check out all my reviews of his figures on his dedicated page. I was lucky enough to get some insight and learn more about Shinobitron so please enjoy!

AFC: Tell the fans of your work a little about yourself.

Shinobitron: My real name is Justin and I currently reside in north western Pennsylvania. I'm 28 years old and work in a stock room for the Pittsburgh Steelers when I'm not making customs. I'm big into Anime and classic 80s toons. Not only do I customize figures I also make costumes. I've been Cobra Commander, Storm Shadow, the Hobgoblin, and Soundwave! Soundwave could actually transform and the chest opened to reveal a cassette that also changed into Lazerbeak. LB had magnets in his feet that let him attach to my wrist!

My artist name comes from 2 things 1) Shinobi, one of my favorite video games of all time. Not only that but the remake for the PS2 had Hotsuma, the main character, in one awesome looking uniform. 2) Tron, not for the old movie but as in Megatron. I've always like the bad guys more. I currently started a website called Shinobitrons Dojo

I can be contacted there or thru my regular email at:

AFC: When did you start making customs?

Shinobitron: I started making them in 1999. This all started with my love for Resident Evil. I bought the entire set of figures from Toybiz and was mad no Wesker figure was made. I used a Toybiz Johnny Blaze and remade him into Wesker. That's when this all started I then took it into Gundams, Various models kits, and random figures for practice. I got the heaviest into it however when the Marvel Legends released and have been very steady ever since.

AFC: How many customs do you work on at one time?

Shinobitron: For the most part I try to keep all my focus on one figure at a time. This lets me give all my attention to one item and let me give one figure my all. I do however base coat figures that up for painting while working on another figure. This let any sculpty or glues I have on my main project harden and keeps me from sitting idle. (I do cave and treat myself to some PS2 or PC games in between phases though)

AFC: What is your favorite toy line to do customs for?

Shinobitron: I have to go with Transformers on this one. First of all each piece can end up being super easy or one heck of a challenge. After you finish one of the pieces you get a great sense of accomplishment, knowing that you made not one but two toys in one project. You got a badass looking robot and a sleek vehicle that looks equally badass.

Another reason I like TFs is the fans reaction. TF has a diehard fan base that love their bots. When you sell a figure to a person and he/she says that your piece is proudly displayed in their collection for everyone they know to see it give you a great sense of pride.

AFC: What is the custom you are most proud of?

Shinobitron: That's a tough question. I would have to say a very rough tie between my Darkstalkers, Ghost in the Shell, Galvatron, and Hotsuma figures. These piece have a special place for me as they are major display pieces on my shelves.

AFC: What customs do you have lined up for your next ones?

Shinobitron: My minds always working on what to make up next. I'm a real spur of the moment kind of person and even though I set myself a list of figure to make I usually end up doing something else cause I just got a great base fig I "have" to use right then and there. Heres a tenative list: Goldbug, Movie Beachcomber, Hoist, SHS Venture Bros figures, Animated Deadpool, Female Junkions, gears, The entire Cowboy Bebop cast, Bludgeon, Anime X-Men, 8" Master Cheif, Hellsing characters, G2 Grimlock, and more Sigma 6 Cobra members.
Believe me there so many I can't even remember them all.

AFC: If you had one piece of advice for other customizers out there, what would you say to them?

Shinobitron: Practice, Practice, practice. I know that Jin says this but its the truth. Never be afraid to use new techniques, screw things up or break things. Doing this is sometimes the best way to learn. Try new items, new paints, and new parts. Just remember to have fun doing it and never give up.

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