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Custom Star Wars AT AP All Terrain Attack Pod by rik_biel

Posted by Mig on Wednesday, March 12, 2008 @ 8:29 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
rik_biel knows what Star Wars fans want! He has taken one of the most anticipated vehicles and made it not only movie accurate, he has created a metal finish that would rival some automobile finishes. What I really like about his Custom AT AP is the realistic metal finish and the carbon scoring on the vehicle makes it look it has just come back from battle. He explains how he created this great custom:

The first step in transforming this vehicle was to separate all of the pieces and take apart the centre pod console. I then individually spray painted each part carefully with a more authentic looking gray color. Once this had dried, I then carefully painted the instrumentation buttons and switches and added seat detailing as well (see the close up pictures). Next I then assembled all of the pieces and applied the model detailing and weathering techniques to get dark paint in all of the grooves (a "wash") and to then highlight all of the edges and add realistic weathering ("dry brushing"). These two techniques combine to give "scale" and realism to the model and really bring out the detail in Hasbro's sculpt. I then used special model-making masking tape to get the straight lines on the green and red unit type markings, the dark gray stripes on the legs and the circular red and white "Republic" insignia. A light dry brushing of brown on the "feet" to simulate dirtiness and the painting was then finished. The next step was to apply some "battle damage" - this is an area where it is very easy to go too far and lose realism. Using a special technique that I discovered only two weeks ago, I applied several "scorch" marks around the vehicle to simulate blackened blaster burn marks. The key to maintaining a realistic look is to not apply too much weathering on a small scale vehicle. Moderation and restraint were exercised here to give the appearance that the vehicle has seen battle, but has not been too badly damaged. You want something that looks like it is still "in service and potent." Once I was happy the painting and weathering were complete, I then gave the vehicle a generous coat of protective "dull cote" lacquer to ensure that it could be handled normally with the paint and effects still being protected. And there you have it! Look closely at the pictures - this AT-AP vehicle looks as close to "real" as you can get! It has also retained all functionality, including full movement of all legs (see 3-legged picture) and moving of all guns.

These are becoming scarce in stores but you can own this awesome custom by heading over to eBay and bidding on this Custom Star Wars AT AP All Terrain Attack Pod.

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