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Custom Cloud Strife Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Fantasy 7 Figure by somakustoms

Posted by Mig on Monday, March 10, 2008 @ 9:02 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
Having a spouse that works in the video game industry, I have an affinity towards video game customs. This week, somakustoms brings to life a Final Fantasy character with his Custom Cloud Strife figure from Kingdom Hearts 1. Let's read how he created this great looking custom:

"The cape was taken from a Berserk Guts figure. I added on to it using hot glue and shaped it with the lowest temp wood burner I could find. I cut a fodder wing to make a general shape and used Apoxie to sculpt over it. The 3 belts hanging loose from his hips were made with hot glue. I wrapped the sword with a strip of a cotton shirt I cut up. The thing wrapped around his left hand was made with rubber bands and plastic strips I cut up from one of the toy packaging laying around. The claws on the left hand were sculpted with Apoxie."

Somakustoms Custom Cloud Strife figure is up for bid on eBay so head over there!

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