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AFC Interviews Rombado

Posted by Mig on Saturday, January 12, 2008 @ 8:27 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
This week I had the pleasure of interviewing Rombado, a Marvel Legends customizer who caught my eye with an awesome Custom Marvel Legends Storm Shadow! Let's get to know him a little better:

AFC: Tell the fans of your work a little about yourself (include website and contact info)

Rombado: Mike "Rom" Rombado, I'm 38 years young, and I was born in Monroe, Louisiana on June 27, 1969. My family traveled around the world for a few years before we settled in Houston, Texas where I was raised. Growing up on comics and figures, there was nothing more I wanted than to be a Superhero when I grew up. So, I started training in Martial Arts when I was 10 years old, and I hold a second degree black belt in Tae Know Do, as well as black belts in Aikido and Chung Moo Doe, and I was always very active in sports. After high school, I joined the Army as a Military Policeman and was stationed in Korea. I've been a thrill seeker my whole life. I have jumped out of airplanes, helicopters, climb mountains, rode motorcycles and anything else that would get me that next adrenaline rush. After the army I traveled around a lot, seeking the answers to life. I've stood on the edge on the Grand Canyon, and have been in 4 places at once, (Four Corners), I had 1 hand in Colorado and 1 in Utah, and 1 foot in New Mexico and 1 in Arizona. I have 3 beautiful daughters, Katie 12, Krissy 9, and Olivia 2. I have a Rot-Lab mix, Logan.

I hurt my back in a tragic work accident, back in 1999. I was a restaurant manager and was doing my inventory in the storeroom. When all of a sudden I heard a crack from behind me. It was the leg braking on one of our storage racks, it stood about 5' high and weighed about 300lbs. Before I could even think, it came crashing down on me and pinned me to the floor. Now, I'm a pretty big guy, 6' 1" 230lbs, and I worked out all the time, so my first thought was to push myself up. Big mistake! as soon as I began to push I felt a pull in my lower back, it felt like a rubber band snapping. I thought it was just a torn muscle and waited for help to arrive. When they pulled the rack off me, I stood up with some assistance but didn't feel too bad, just very sore. So, I was sent home to rest and when I woke up the next day I couldn't move. I have never felt pain like that in my life, it was so bad that I had to crawl to the bathroom. After I went to the doctor I found out I had a ruptured disk, and needed surgery immediately. I felt some relief afterwards, but in just a few short months I began feeling more back pain. So, 6 years later I've had 5 lower back surgeries, and my spine is fused from the middle of my back down to my tailbone. That means I have two 3" screws in each of my disk and a cage that surrounds it, which has left me permanently disabled. I've learned to control the pain through mediation and medication. The funny thing is, I hold multiple Black Belts, played sports, jumped out of planes, climbed mountains, served in the Army, and I have always pushed myself to be the best in everything I do, and it took a frickin' rack of food to take me out. I was so depressed for several years during the last 7 that I thought I'd never be anything close to what I was. But, through the love of daughters I found the meaning to life. "LOVE", is the key to everything and w/o it, I can't honestly say I don't know if I'd be here today, b/c some of the days I went through were just too black to see past 'em. I've realized through my experiences that nothing compares to the adrenaline rush of having a family. And now I AM a Superhero in their eyes. So, that's the skinny on the history about the man I am today. I'm sorry if it got too long winded, I can be that way sometimes. It's just I felt you should know the man as well as the Customizer. I've always been an Artist, drawing, painting, and sculpting. So, when I found out about Customizing in Aug. 2004 ( Thanks to Actorjez's Conan), I was so happy b/c it gave me an outlet for working and purpose. That's why I push myself so hard at it, b/c to me it's more then a hobby, it's my only job. I can't believe how blessed I've been b/c of it, and thank God everyday for it. I love creating my custom figures, and a hope you enjoy viewing them at my gallery Please, feel free to contact me

AFC: When did you start making customs?

Rombado: August 2004

AFC: How many customs do you work on at one time?

Rombado: I usually just work on one custom at a time, but always have a few on the back burner I'm tweaking with new ideas.

AFC: What is the custom you are most proud of?

Rombado: Conan. it's the one custom that got me into this gig and I've made about a dozen since I've started. The one I'm most proud of is the highest selling Conan on eBay ever, he sold for $355.00, and I couldn't be more proud of anything in my life.

AFC: What is your favorite toy line to do customs for?

Rombado: I have to go with Marvel Legends for this one. Although I do create customs from most toy lines ML is the line I got my start in this field and holds a special place in my heart for that.

AFC: What customs are you currently working on?

Rombado: I'm working on a "Queen Luna" from the Thundercats right now, and have the Wrecking Crew brewing on the back burner.

AFC: If you had one piece of advice for other customizers out there, what would you say to them?

Rombado: Always approach a project with confidence and patients. Get good reference pics for your projects and always have the right tools for the job, be prepared for anything that's what I always say.

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