Action Figure Customs Blog

This blog is dedicated to discussing the world of custom action figures. There are many talented people creating customs from toy lines such as Transformers, GI Joe, Marvel Legends, and Star Wars. I also interview various customizers and they shed light on their philosophy and showcase their talent. The blog is updated daily so check back often for updates.

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RSS Feeds for Myspace or Websites

Posted by Mig on Tuesday, November 6, 2007 @ 10:04 PM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
Ok...slightly off topic but relates to custom figures! I just recently joined MySpace to network and get to know all of the talented customizers out there! In a few short days I have created my presence on MySpace and have found many of the people who I blog about it. On of the things that bugged me about MySpace was the fact that they have their own blogging programs embedded in the page. After a few Google searches, I discovered that I could embed a widget into any part of my profile thus constantly keeping my MySpace page up to date with the blogs from this site. I know many of the customizers have blogs out there so here is a recipe for creating RSS feeds within Myspace:

1. Go to and create a new account or log in if you have an existing account
2. Click the Make a Blidget button
3. Enter the URL or RSS feed of the blog that you want to appear on your MySpace profile
4. Adjust the width, color, and the title of the Blidget to match with your MySpace scheme
5. Add a title, image, and tag it
6. Click Publish Blidget
7. On the following page, click the Add to MySpace button (or the larger Get Widget button, and then Add to MySpace
Note: You can't just copy and paste the code into your MySpace profile (already tried it and it does not work) if you want the links to be clickable. When the Widgetbox puts the Blidget on the page, it adds extra code to create buttons that will open links
8. Enter your MySpace email address and password as Widetbox needs them to edit your profile
9. Choose the section of MySpace where you want the Blidget to appear
10. Click OK

The Widgetbox Blidget should now appear on your MySpace profile!

If you want to check out how it looks on MySpace, please check out the About Me section here:

Here is a screenshot of what it looks like (I could not embed it in this blog...but that would have been funny...a blog within a blog!):

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