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Custom Marvel Legends Thunder Cats - Lion-O, Panthro, Cheetara, Tygra, & Mumm-Ra by boskoes

Posted by Mig on Sunday, September 30, 2007 @ 7:30 AM | PERMALINK | More Custom Figures: Custom Transformers | Custom Marvel Legends | Custom Star Wars | Custom GI Joe
With the resurgence in interest in toy lines like Transformers, Star Wars, and GI Joe, the Thundercats are bound to be next right? Well, I am not sure of the future of a Thundercats comeback but I do know if it did happen, fans would be hitting the toy stores. Until then, boskoes brings us a special treat with his set of five Custom Marvel Legends Thundercats: Lion-O, Panthro, Cheetara, Tygra, & Mumm-Ra.

boskoes has this to say about his one of a kind custom set: "Up for grab is a custom set, of custom Marvel Legends style Thundercats. That's right, you get to pick the versions of these characters that you like best, (and we've done quite a few). The pictures in this auction are from our last commission job, and if you want your cat's just like them, then that's fine too. Meticulous attention to detail, custom packaging, an instant qualification for our collectors club, make this auction a great way to finally get your hands on these figures."

In case you have not watched the Thundercats in 20 years, here is a recap of these timeless characters:

Lion-O — The leader, and the hereditary ‘Lord’ of the ThunderCats. Initially he is a mere boy only twelve years old, but in making the trip to Third Earth he ages physically until he becomes an adult of twenty-four — this due to the suspension capsule diminishing but not altogether preventing aging. On Third Earth, much like his big-cat namesake, the lion, Lion-O has great strength, endurance and agility (as well as a headfull of hair). He also has the cunning and skills of a fighter, but because of his time in the capsule, he missed the experiences needed in growing up. Through his adventures, he gains this maturity while learning what it takes to become a true leader.

Panthro — The next noble in age and experience, based on the panther, this warrior is the chief mechanic/engineer and pilot for the ThunderCats. He’s also physically the strongest and is a cunning warrior in combat. With Tygra’s help, he builds all of the vehicles the ThunderCats use on Third Earth — including the ThunderTank, the Feliner and the ThunderClaw, ThunderStrike and HoverCat. A jovial soul, he’s also quick to lose his temper and has a paralyzing fear of bats and a dislike of spiders.

Cheetara — A female warrior , based on the cheetah, who is the only adult female ThunderCat (until the later appearance of Pumyra). She is as lovely as she is brave and caring. Often a voice of reason, she is also the bearer of a budding ‘sixth-sense’, detecting when something is unsafe or if evil is near. This precognitive sense also allows her to perceive visions — whether involuntary or by forcing herself — but this drains her and she may require days or weeks to recover.
She has incredible speed — once clocked at speeds of 120mph on a morning jog. She can only maintain this top speed for short distances, but with it she can move very fast in combat. Her weapon of choice is a battlestaff that can grow or shrink to variable lengths, with which she can vault or leap over enemies. When not in use, it is attached to the armband on her left arm.

Tygra — A staunch, level-headed warrior, based on the tiger, Tygra is known as the ThunderCat architect and scientist. As the eldest (after Jaga) he is the one Lion-O often turns to as second-in-command and for counsel. He is responsible for the design of all of the ThunderCat structures on Third Earth — Cat’s Lair and the Tower of Omens.
He is also gifted with ‘mind-power’ — the ability to create life-like illusions in other people’s minds; he used this for Lion-O’s Anointment Trial, but it puts a great strain on him. He uses a bolo-whip in combat, with which he can render himself invisible to the naked eye.

Mumm-Ra - The chief villain and antagonist against the ThunderCats, Mumm-Ra is the self-proclaimed "ever-living source of evil" on Third Earth, having powers of sorcery and an apparently unlimited lifespan. He is, in fact, a bound servant to the Ancient Spirits of Evil (represented by four anthropomorphic statues within the burial chamber of his pyramid), who provide him with increased power and virtual immortality to further his pursuit of spreading their dark influence throughout Third Earth.
Residing within the Black Pyramid amid the ruins of what appears to be an ancient Egyptian civilization, Mumm-Ra exists in a decayed, weakened form that must return to a stone sarcophagus to replenish his energy. When leaving the pyramid, he can summon the power to transform himself into a more vigorous form: Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living by reciting the following incantation:

“Ancient spirits of evil, transform this decayed form to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living!”

While in this form, Mumm-Ra possesses superhuman strength, the ability to fly, as well as fortification of his mystical might — casting spells, throwing energy bolts, etc. — to battle his foes. He can also alter his physical form into a variety of alter-egos to deceive his enemies.
Seemingly invincible in whatever form he chooses, Mumm-Ra appears to have a singular weakness: seeing his own hideous reflection neutralizes his ability to remain outside the Black Pyramid and forces him to withdraw there in his emaciated mummy form. However, as the series progressed, the Ancient Spirits of Evil eventually overcame this shortcoming to make Mumm-Ra even more formidable.

These figures are available on eBay so check out boskoes' Custom Marvel Legends Thunder Cats - Lion-O, Panthro, Cheetara, Tygra, & Mumm-Ra! If you are hungry for more Custom Marvel Legends figures, go check out them out on eBay.

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